Renovex 2000 Kft.

5000 Szolnok Botond utca 19.

+36 70 630 5547

+36 30 328 5525

About, Us

We are working for thirty years to serve our clients claims. The air-pore forming is a little slice of the building industry, however if it wouldn’t be used it would turn out fastly how important part is it. In thirty years time our sensational products contributed to the construction and renovation of Hungary’s monuments and residential buildings.

The products of Renovex are coming trough stably ont he market, thanks to the good quality, the modern environmentally friendly composition and last, but not least to the favorable price. We are very happy because not only the clients are satisfied with the produced result by the product , but the implementers like it as well.

The personal contact is an important part of RenoveX 2000 Kft’s sales strategy, we have almost a familiar athmosphere with our clients. The close cooperation minimizes the communication problems. Our website is also a tool for our clients faster and more flexible satisfaction.

We should thank everyone who had supported our company in the last thirty years as simply customer, or rather as our partner!

Cozombolis Leonidász Péter

Managing Director

Cozombolis Zoltán

Sales Director

Cozombolisné Himer Gréta

Sales Assistant

Succes of the process of RenoveX is the wide range, quality and innovative products which are pointing into the future. The quality represented by our company got positive feedbacks numerous times by the profession and our clients as well.
